Nettle Leaf
Good for dissolving stones. Nettle leaf is also excellent for removing uric acid from the body and for supporting the kidneys. One of the best herbs for strengthening the kidneys.
A popular remedy for dissolving kidney stones.
Chanca Piedra
Amazing South American rainforest herb from Peru used for gallstones, kidney stones, urinary infections, hepatitis A, B, C, optimal liver, kidney and bladder function, - proven scientifically as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-hypoglycemic. It breaks up both kidney and gallstones, stimulates the production of bile, and helps clear blockages and obstructions throughout the body and organs. No reported side effects.
Magnesium Malate
Magnesium is great for kidneys. The best form of magnesium is magnesium malate, which is magnesium bound to malic acid. Malic acid is the active component which dissolves uric acid.
Citrus Peel
Citrus helps dissolve uric acid crystals, kidney stones. Helps flush out mucous and are duiretic, making you urinate more. A great fiber and bioflavonoid that contains 58 known anti-cancer compounds- more than any other food.
Uva Ursi
Contains powerful phytochemical like Mallic and Gallic acids, which have long been used for kidney and bladder infections.
Apple Pectin
A serious detoxifier that helps remove toxins, heavy metals and impurities. Helps clean out the cardiovascular system and is great for arteries, heart etc. The kidneys are directly connected with heart health- so if you have clogged, overworked and tired kidneys, then your heart is immediately affected because kidneys filter blood. A great source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble which lowers cholesterol, heart disease and cleans blood.
Hydrangea Root
For kidney stones, urinary tract infections, prostate issues, bladder infections.
Cinnamon Bark
Great for kidney issues.
Schizandra Berry
A detoxifying blood purifier and cleanser. One of the best herbs for strengthening the kidneys.
Vitamin B6
Helpful in dissolving kidney stones.
Amla Berry
Amla increases levels of superoxide dismutase, which reduces artery inflammation and strengthens the vascular system. It’s a powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. It cleans and strengthens the liver and kidneys. Great for sugar freaks because it protects the blood vessels from insulin damage and improves the body's insulin sensitivity. Improves protein metabolism.
Juniper Berry
Stimulates the excretion of uric acid.
All herbal formulas from Markus Products are non-GMO, organic or sustainable, and wildcrafted. “Sustainably wildcrafted” means harvested by hand, from virgin wilderness far from civilization. For example: pine needles from Shasta, California, Mallow and Lambsquarters from Durango, Colorado, and Gubinge Kakadu Plum harvested by tribal natives in the Australian outback. We go out of our way to get you the most pristine, rare, pure herbs possible, no matter the cost! No herbs are from China, all products are assembled/packaged here in America in an FDA-approved facility.