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Weight Loss Set

$272.00 $241.00
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Product Description

Click on the videos tab below to learn all about the products in this set. There are many factors to weight loss and fat burning, like cleaning the liver and colon, helping support stressed-out adrenals, and having an energy-boosting high-vitamin and mineral meal replacement. That is why Markus created the Weight Loss Set. Listed below are the products in the set and why they are included. If you are under stress, it is suggested to also take the anti-stress set.

  • (1) Green Formula powder (430g)
  • (2) Free-Liver (220 capsules or 170g of powder)
  • (1) Super Sea Moss (5 oz)
  • (1) Herbal Vitamin C powder (300g)
  • (1) Prebiotic Fiber powder (320g)

Get these best-selling herbal formulas in our Weight Loss Set, and save 15% over purchasing them separately!

  • About Green Formula

    This is your source of energy, vitamins, minerals, and nutrition. You can live off this stuff if you want. It’s a great meal replacement. Add it to your smoothies and you’ll find yourself eating less other food. Many people report going up to five hours of energy from this stuff. It also helps regulate blood sugar and is a great aid for helping with diabetes.

    About Free-Liver

    Your liver is key for processing fat and getting rid of it. Most people’s livers are clogged from not eating right and a toxic lifestyle, so it must be cleaned for the body to be able to process fats. The liver is also where energy is stored and created, so a clean liver is needed for energy.

    About Super Sea Moss

    A high source of minerals and natural iodine needed for proper thyroid function. The thyroid regulates your weight.

    About Herbal Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is key for the thyroid and adrenals to function properly and keep weight under control. Stress depletes vitamin C and burns out the adrenals, leading to weight gain.

    About Prebiotic Fiber

    Many modern diseases are linked to insufficient weak gut flora, which are killed by antibiotics allowing yeast and disease to thrive. Even if you didn’t take lots of antibiotics in your life- if you eat animal products, you are still ingesting antibiotics fed to the animals, which is killing your gut probiotics. Healthy gut flora is crucial for health. Most swallowed probiotics are killed in stomach acid, so it’s best to feed and reinforce the ones we have. Fiber is their main food source and these are their favorites. 97% of Americans don’t even get the minimum needed daily amount of fiber. Animal products have zero fiber. 

    Weight Loss Set Instruction Sheet
    Yes you can take all this stuff at the same time, but that's quite a bit of powder at once, so it's best to break it up a bit as described below. Despite your desire to do so, try NOT to take this stuff with fruit juice, which is highly concentrated sugar. The bitter taste of herbs is part of what makes the liver cleanse fats out of the body so well. Let this be your motivation to not eat junk food anymore:-) Remember- sweet stuff is what got you in trouble in the first place. This is what it takes to fix that.

    Sweet things usually lead to weight gain, where bitter things help weight loss. Eat more bitter things like dandelion, endives etc. Remember- bitter cleans the liver, get rid of cellulite and helps you lose weight. Sugar creates fat, wrinkles, mood swings and robs you of energy. Stay strong!

    If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia and you REALLY want to lose weight, then you must change your diet! No more bread, pasta, cereal, pizza, crackers or anything made with wheat, flour, dough, sugar, milk etc. Read and follow the book "Heal Yourself 101" without cheating. Many people got rid of diabetes in as little as 30 days. If you don't believe it, see "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" on YouTube. Read and follow the book Heal Yourself 101l It can totally change your life. Don't think you will be depriving yourself of great food. That's why we created the UnCookbook "Love on a Plate" that shows how to easily make healthy raw vegan versions of your favorite foods like pizza, pop tarts, creme brülée, chocolate cake etc. There is also a Diabetes e-book on my site. The Green Formula also helps diabetics wean off insulin slowly if
    they eat right and cleanse, as per the book. Of course do it safely and consult your doctor (if they know about real health). There are no excuses. Start your new life now.

    1. Start eating right. No more animal products. This means no milk, fish, eggs, chicken, creamy salad dressing, creamy soups, NOTHING! Stay away from all forms of sugar, fruit juice, bread, milk and anything made with wheat or flour or cooked starches like potatoes and white rice. Read the Fat-Weight Loss e-book at MarkusEbooks.com or follow the dietary outline in Heal Yourself 101.

    2. If you REALLY want weight loss results, do not eat until noon or mid afternoon and do cardio (jogging. biking, swimming, etc) in the morning on empty stomach so your body uses FAT for energy, not food. This means NO fruit juice, powders or ANYTHING but water until lunch! Nothing that gives you energy your body needs to use FAT for energy.

    3. Drink LOTS of water all day long.

    4. If you choose to not eat mornings or if you do, either way, whenever you start eating, take 2 tablespoons of Green Formula, 1-2 tablespoons (or 5-12 capsules) of Free-Liver formula and 1 tablespoon of Vitamin C every morning, either with water or a green smoothie BEFORE eating anything. Do not drink straight fruit juice by itself anytime- the sugar is too concentrated. Green smoothies should be half greens, half fruit (frozen is ok), herbal powders, 2 teaspoons of Udo's oil or flax or hemp oil or ground up flax seeds and 2 cups water or fruit juice. The green formula gives you energy and is an appetite suppressant, so take as much as you want the first half of the day, but not after 4 pm otherwise it will keep you up all night. If you get hungry during the day, try to just drink more water and green formula instead of eating food. Better to eat healthy fats (like avocado) than sugar. Fats give longer lasting energy and lessen hunger so you actually end
    up eating less.

    The liver is key to helping the body get rid of fat. Take one tablespoon (or 4-6 capsules) with water on empty stomach. Can be taken with Trim Force. It helps to take an extra 1-2 spoonfuls (or 5-12 capsules) of the Free-Liver formula with water sometime during the day on an empty stomach. Do NOT take it with fruit juice. Also try to eat bitter foods which help clean the liver along with drinking lots of water all day long.

    You can take this anytime of the day, with or without food. You can sprinkle it on your food or add to smoothie or just in a glass of water by itself (it tastes good). Fiber helps you feel full and helps curb appetite, as well as feed probiotics, remove toxins and waste from the body.

    Vital for adrenal and thyroid support- glands which regulate body weight. Take one tablespoon at least once a day (several times a day is better) with water or put in smoothie. Ok with or without food. You cannot take too much of this. We sometimes put half a cup of this stuff on our deserts.

    This is your energy and nutrition. You won't need as much food when you take this. Take several spoonfuls in your smoothie or just with water. Smoothie suggestion- 2 cups water or coconut water, 2 spoonfuls

    GREEN formula, one frozen banana, 1 spoonful vitamin C, half a head of lettuce, one cup frozen berries and 2 spoonfuls of Sea Moss gel.

    The Sea Moss is your source of iodine for healthy thyroid needed for weight loss, minerals and protein for collagen formation (skin, hair, bones, arteries). It is also a mucilage to help cleanse and fortify the entire digestive system. Follow instructions on Sea Moss bag on how to prepare it. It must be soaked and washed several times before use. You can add sea moss to smoothies, but it will thicken them into a gel within 30 minutes. The sea moss can be used in desert recipes like those in the recipe book "Love on a Plate" to make pudding, non-dairy cheese, cheesecake etc.. Consume 2 tablespoons of sea moss gel per day or as much as you want. There is no maximum amount. Put it in smoothies or make cake, desserts, cheese, etc. with (see "Love on a Plate" UnCookbook)

    Stop eating 3 hours before bed. If your body is digesting while you sleep, you will not fully sleep and you'll wake up tired. Bad sleep makes you gain weight- good sleep helps you lose weight. You need 8 hours of deep sleep! Be in bed by 10- absolutely no later than 11 pm.

    LOSE THE STRESS! Next to diet, lack of exercise and sleep, this is one or the biggest reasons for weight gain because of the non-stop cortisol released. Lose the negativity and negative people in your life. They are draining your life force and killing you. Simplify your life, get rid of debt and unnecessary expensive things and learn to enjoy life more. You need vacations. Stop depending on comfort food to make you feel good!

    GET SUNLIGHT! At least 20 minutes a day. WALK at least 30 minutes twice a day. No excuses! and follow "Heal Yourself 101" and it

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