About Green Formula
This is your source of energy, vitamins, minerals, and nutrition. You can live off this stuff if you want. It’s a great meal replacement. Add it to your smoothies and you’ll find yourself eating less other food. Many people report going up to five hours of energy from this stuff. It also helps regulate blood sugar and is a great aid for helping with diabetes. View Product FAQs
About Herbal Vitamin C
This vitamin C is 100% powdered plants- the highest sources of vitamin C in the world, including extremely rare Gubinge, harvested by tribal people in Australia. Vitamin C helps convert cholesterol to adrenal hormones. Lack of vitamin C is one of the biggest reasons for collagen loss leading to wrinkles, aging, weakened arteries, and immune deficiency. Stress and stimulants like caffeine cause vitamin C deficiencies, so people in the modern world need vitamin C! Take as much of this stuff as you want. View Product FAQs
About Super Sea Moss
This amazing and versatile seaweed makes an awesome gel thickener for desserts, while also boosting your skin and hair with collagen. You can eat it and also make a mask for your face. No boiling needed, just blend and refrigerate. Seaweeds are really high in minerals, protein, iodine and this one, in particular, helps plump up your skin and food. This is the real stuff, and it's good for you. View Product FAQs
About Night Rebuild
This formula helps promote restful sleep and hormone production. Other than our Green Formula, this is one of the most important Markus Products formulas for people in the modern world. It has a unique flavor, thanks to the plentiful use of geranium flower. This is the exact same formula Markus and Cara use. Many people report no more night sweats after using our Night Rebuild formula. If you are serious about regenerating health, youth, and vitality, you need our Night Rebuild! View Product FAQs
About Age-Free
Our Age-Free formula contains the most powerful antioxidants known, which help fight free-radical damage and aging. Also includes Tocotrienols, the best non-toxic source of vitamin E, full B complex, ellagitannin and turmeric (two of the most powerful cancer fighters), grapeseed extract, fo-ti, jiaogulan, milk thistle, astragalus, and ashwagandha. It's packed with the best of the best! View Product FAQs
Adrenal & Thyroid Set Instructions
Take each morning with water or a green smoothie:
1-2 tablespoons Green Formula
1 tablespoon Vitamin C
3-4 Age Free capsules (or 1 Tablespoon powder)
Green smoothies should be half greens, half fruit (frozen is ok), herbal powders, 2 teaspoons of Udo’s
oil or flax or hemp oil and 2 cups water or fruit juice. Do not drink straight fruit juice by itself
anytime- the sugar is too concentrated. Do not take the green formula after 4 pm, or it might keep
you up all night.
The Sea Moss is your source of iodine for healthy thyroid, minerals and protein for collagen formation.
Follow instructions on Sea Moss bag on how to prepare it. It must be soaked and washed several times
before use. You can add sea moss to smoothies, but it will thicken them into a gel within 30 minutes.
The sea moss can be used in desert recipes like those in the recipe book “Love on a Plate” to make
pudding, non-dairy cheese, cheesecake etc. . Consume about half a cup or Sea Moss gel per day or as
much as you want. There is no maximum amount. It helps to take 3 more age-free capsules and
another spoonful of vitamin C during the day on an empty stomach with water.
Stop eating 3 hours before bed. Within 1 hour of bed, take 1 tablespoon of Night Formula with water
or coconut water.
To really learn more about Adrenals and Thyroid, read the Adrenal ebook and Thyroid ebook available
at MarkusEbooks.com
Coffee burns out the adrenals. if you really want to heal the adrenals, stop coffee and replace it with green tea or dandelion or chicoree tea.
Proper sleep is vital for healing. Go to bed by 9 or 10 if you can, NO later than 11. Every hour you go
to sleep earlier, the better you will heal. Stop eating 3 hours before bed. Food creates energy which
keeps you from fully sleeping.
Lose the stress in your life. Get rid of negativity and negative people! They are killing you. Get rid of
clutter in your life. Get rid of one quarter of what you own- simplify your work. Stress is the biggest
killer of all.
Get at least 20 minutes of sunlight a day.
Go for long walks- at least half an hour twice a day. Walk away from what is consuming you and learn
to take regular breaks. You will come back refreshed and with a clean mind.
Go on vacation as many times as you can. Nothing heals more than “getting away”
When waking up, immediately drink a glass of water with 2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar and again
before bed. Rinse teeth afterwards with water so the acid doesn’t dissolve teeth.
STAY AWAY FROM ALL SUGAR- this includes fruit juice! It’s ok to eat whole fruit, but not concentrated
sugar like fruit juice. Adding fruit to smoothies is ok because the fiber is still there. Use mainly non-
sweet fruits. Avoid all sweeteners including honey, agave, maple syrup and of course milk, cream,
dairy, bread, pasta and ANYTHINg made with wheat or baked in an oven. Read “Heal Yourself 101”
many times
…and most of all, lose the stress in your life and start enjoying life!