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Super Plant Protein

A vegan plant protein meal replacement, available in powder only, from our Wild Force™ line of nutritional products.
  • Sweetened Super Plant Protein product shot.
  • Unsweetened Super Plant Protein nutrition label.
  • Sweetened Protein product shot.
  • Unsweet Protein product shot.

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A Note from Markus

Original Protein 1.5 lb bag (681g)
Unsweet Protein 1.5 lb bag (681g)
-- or --
Single-serve packets contain 1 oz (30g)

Do not take if you have nut allergies!

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Product Description

Click on the videos tab below to learn why there is no raw, vegan protein powder – anywhere on the planet – that even comes close to ours! Markus Products wanted the best, so we spared no expense. Most competitors use rice powder as the main ingredient because it’s cheap. We use pine nuts and durian, two super expensive ingredients unlike any other. Pine nuts are the highest source of protein and essential fatty acids of any nut or seed in the world. Nobody else in the world uses durian in their protein powder because it’s so hard to get and process. Prickly pear cactus is another undiscovered miracle plant.

Read the ingredient list below and compare with other protein powders. Better yet, try it for a month and watch the results in the mirror! Other protein powders constipate. This is the first protein powder that actually helps you go to the bathroom! (It’s just ground-up plants; not processed, dead powders). This is by far the most effective and best-tasting raw vegan protein powder money can buy.

Most proteins do not absorb well. The total amount of protein per serving is not as important as how much of it actually absorbs into the body. Other protein powders constipate, proving they aren’t absorbing, just turning into cement in the digestive tract. Because our Super Plant Protein is a food, you can take as much as you want. The serving size is up to you. Markus often times put over half a cup in his smoothie! It’s just dried plants, fruit, and nuts, so you can’t take too much. It tastes so good!

Each 681g bag of Super Plant Protein contains a one-month supply.

  • Ingredients

    Pine Nuts

    There is no nut or seed in the world with more protein than pine nuts. Indians used pine nut soup as a replacement for mothers milk! The reason you don’t see pine nuts in any protein powder is they are very expensive. We don’t care. We want the best. Period! Pine nuts are also super-high in essential fats and sometimes they can go rancid. The pine nuts in this formula are captured in a new special freeze-dry process developed in Russia to preserve their power and vitality for very long periods of time.


    This is the only protein powder in the world with Durian. Known as the “king of fruits”, this very large football-sized spikey prehistoric-looking fruit can weight up to 10 lbs (4.5kg). It’s an awesome source of protein for muscle building and essential fatty acids (EFA), high sulfur content (which is great for youthful skin), and tryptophan (which makes people feel good and relax).

    Nopales Cactus (Prickly Pear)

    Super high amino acid complex, polysaccharides, and fiber to push the protein through. (High amounts of protein tends to constipate. You need lots of fiber!) This popular cactus can grow all over the world and is destined to be the next big herbal superstar. Each part of this plant is both food and medicine, and it’s been used for centuries. The plant’s antiviral properties have been used for herpes, flu, HIV, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, cholesterol, and skin problems. Contains huge doses of vitamin C. The flat green pads contain a full range of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. It is extremely rare for a plant source to have this many amino acids. It’s very high in dietary soluble fiber, mucilage, and pectin. Contains the same immune-boosting polysaccharide found in aloe vera. Studies have shown the prickly pear cactus to be effective against diabetes, even type 2! It also helps the pancreas create insulin. Simply amazing! Also used for lung problems and prostate issues.


    Considered one of the most complete foods on the planet, you can live off this stuff indefinitely. It has ALL the amino acids (a complete protein) - more than any whole food on Earth. Plus all kinds of minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll and pretty much everything else. It quadruples the friendly flora (probiotics) making it one of the most potent growth factors available. It boosts the immune system immensely (helps children grow and stay healthy), helps digestion, alkalizes, heals intestinal lining, helps remove chemicals, toxins and heavy metals from the body. Not only is it a great source of protein, but also fiber, which helps push protein through.

    Quinoa Sprout

    The sprout is the most powerful nutritious stage of this ancient Inca super grain with a higher protein content than brown rice. Contains all essential amino acids to be a complete protein. Very high in Lysine- essential for tissue growth and repair. High in Riboflavin (B2) which improves energy metabolism in muscle and brain cells. Also a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus, calcium and is high in magnesium and iron. The Incas said it increased the stamina of their warriors. It contains twice as much fiber as other grains, making it great for lowering cholesterol and fighting heart disease.

    Pumpkin Seed

    A real nutritional powerhouse. They are a great source of protein and help with hair loss, prostate and hormone issues. Bodybuilders pay attention. High protein, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, tryptophan. Good for heart disease, eyes and vision, free-radical scavenger for anti-aging. They are used for beautiful skin, prostate cancer, anti- inflammatory, arthritis, preventing kidney stones, depression.


    Pea protein is a relatively new form of protein powder valued for its high digestibility (90-95%) and low potential for allergic responses. Pea protein has a light, flurry texture and slightly sweet taste which mixes well in solution. It is less allergenic than soy and has no negative health controversies associated with it.


    Contains all nine essential amino acids and a perfect balance of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids. Heavily mineralized. Great for losing fat, gaining muscle and improving athletic performance. Easily digested. 50% pure protein.

    Sprouted Brown Rice

    Bio-fermented, combining the sprouted endosperm and the bran from raw sprouted whole grain brown rice. 83% protein with an amino acid profile similar to human breast milk. Especially high in Arginine, Glutamine and Leucine. Hypoallergenic, easy to digest. High amounts of insoluble fiber, great for lowering cholesterol and diabetes. 100% gluten free.

    Nettle Leaf

    One of the super plants. You can live off this stuff. Nettles are one of the richest sources of protein and minerals, especially calcium, iron, silica, vitamin C (which improves calcium and nutrient absorption), improves immune function, prevents free radical damage, and builds collagen. The vitamin K in nettle strengthens bones. Removes lactic acid and uric acid in gout. It blocks the lactic acid cycle which in essence starves cancer cells. Supports the growth of beneficial intestinal flora (probiotics). Great for relieving mucus in colon. Source of Serotonin, supports proper adrenal function, A steroidal anti-inflammatory to reduce prostate inflammation and excellent source of nutrition for prostate health. Lowers blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity due to chromium content and protects blood vessels from insulin damage. A, complete B complex, C, D, calcium, chromium, copper, high iron source, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, bioflavonoids, saponins, acetylcholine and serotonin. Antidepressant, antibiotic and anti-fungal, Helps dissolve kidney stones, regulate thyroid, reduces body fat, increases energy, treats anemia, ulcers, strengthens tissues, mild laxative. Helps adrenals, kidney, liver and thyroid. Nettle is the only known plant that contains formic acid, which is used to dissolve cholesterol. Nettle also contains a protein molecule called UDA which attacks fungus in the body.

    Brazil Nut

    Very high in protein and calories, brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium, plus lots of copper, iron, and magnesium. Brazil nut trees can live 500-700 years and have multiple anti-aging qualities. Lowers LDL bad cholesterol and raises HDL good cholesterol, which helps prevent coronary artery disease and strokes. An excellent source of B vitamins.

    Yucca Root Powder

    Source of sterols and saponins, which increase absorption of nutrients and cell wall permeability. Increases effect of all herbs in formula. Strong anti-inflammatory, great for post-workouts. Sterols bind cholesterol, help formation of hormones through adrenal glands. High in resveratrol- a very strong anti-aging anti-tumor phytoestrogen that counters a lot of the stronger estrogens which can accelerate the growth of cancer cells. Saponins are natural steroidal anti-inflammatory- great for ulcerative colitis, gastritis, any type of intestinal inflammation, arthritis, asthma and some allergies. Extracts have bee used for tumors and melanoma. Helps break up pathogenic biofilms and establish a correct balance of intestinal flora (probiotics) in the gut and colon. Yucca is great for bloating, sometimes an issue for people who take too much protein or have weak digestion. The high levels of resveratrol (a neocardiogenic substance) make it a leader in anti-aging and cardiac-cell regeneration (heart tissue regeneration), even help with recovery from spinal cord injury and degenerative joint disease. All from a wild desert plant that nobody pays much attention to.

    Amla Berry

    One of the highest sources of natural vitamin C, needed for all the other herbs to fully function in the body. Vitamin C plays a vital role in secretagogue activity (hormone regeneration) and is an excellent alternative to hormone replacement therapy. It is a powerful electron-donor to help resurrect the form and function of hormones like estradiol, progesterone, testosterone etc. Amla berry is also a strong antioxidant, antispasmodic, strengthens vascular system, regulates intestinal flora. High in A, B1, B2, B3, C,D,E, calcium, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, bioflavonoids and saponins.

    Alfalfa Juice Powder

    A complete food. Vitamins C,D, E, K for strong bones and immune system. A complete B complex, C, D, E, K, octacosanol, iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, tin, trace minerals, zinc, coumarins, 8 digestive enzymes, all 18 essential amino acids (making it a major source of protein), fatty acids, and saponins. Alfalfa is the richest source of phytoestrogens (good for preventing bone loss and creating hormones). It stimulates and nourishes the pituitary gland, protects from radiation poisoning, neutralizes acids and poisons in the body, used for arthritis and cancer, strengthens all tissues, treats ulcers, strengthens bones, rebuilds teeth, and cleanses the colon.

    Malic Acid

    Helps the body absorb all these wonderful nutrients. Helps dissolve uric acid in the body (which helps with gout) and also oxalate kidney stones. Dying cancer cells create uric acid which puts a strain on kidneys. Malic acid helps clean that up. Helps increase oxygen transport into cells, and is an ATP precursor. ATP is the fuel for cells and helps them to function properly. Our cells require acids to generate energy including malic acid, citric acid, pyruvuc acid, pantothenic acid, etc. Malic acid also helps fibromyalgia.

    TMG- TriMethylglycine

    Made from beet roots, TMG is great for helping nutrient absorption, energy production, hormone production, protecting DNA and rebuilding adrenals. It is one of the best methyl donors known. Almost every molecular bodily function requires methylation (there are over 4,000 methylation reactions in the body)- like switching genetic DNA back to where they should be, stomach acid formation, hormone and neurotransmitter production, energy, immunity, water balance, liver support, immune support, healing, helps to prevent heart disease by reducing inflammatory homocysteine, which leads to plaque formation. Most people are under-methylated, leading to less than optimal functioning of almost every bodily function and genetic problems. TMG helps get things back on track. It’s is also great for the liver, which is the body’s primary regulator for cholesterol and creator of glycogen and energy. By helping bring stomach acid levels back to normal, TMG ultimately helps everything from increased nutrient absorption to adrenal rebuilding (more energy) and getting hormones back on track. This may prove to be a new breakthrough in optimal body function.


    Good for recovery. Glutamine is an amino acid that needs to be replaced after workouts. It also helps prevent post-workout tiredness and it makes you feel good. It rapidly improves memory retention, recall, concentration and alertness. Other effects of glutamine are helping mental performance in cases of retardation, senility, epileptic seizure and schizophrenia. It reduces alcohol and sugar cravings, protects against alcohol toxicity, and controls hypoglycemia.


    A seaweed packed with vitamin K- excellent adrenal stimulant. Still used today by native Americans in steam baths for arthritis, gout and illness recovery. Good source of immune-stimulating polysaccharides, which stimulate white blood cells.

    Coconut Water Powder

    Surfactant, helps nutrient absorption. A great sweet flavoring with the benefits of coconut water- a great nutritious electrolyte with lots of B vitamins, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, caprylic acid and proteins. Good for gall bladder, kidney, liver and thyroid.


    Flavoring from the pods of a tropical climbing orchid, said to have aphrodisiac qualities.

    Licorice Root

    Licorice root is 15 times sweeter than sugar, yet doesn’t spike blood sugar and insulin. Has over 400 phytochemicals with healing qualities. Helps treat hormone imbalances and reduces adverse effects of estrogen. Helps stop DHT formation (a primary cause of hair loss). Helps rebuild adrenals burned out from stress. Increases bile flow from liver, regulates intestinal flora, reduces body fat, removes artery plaque and helps reduce cramps.

    Date Sugar

    A sweet source of fiber, iron, protein and lots of minerals. Helps with constipation, intestinal disorders, sexual weakness, weight problems, heart problems, energy and stamina.

    Magnesium Malate

    A critical mineral necessary for good nerve and muscle function, healthy blood vessels, balanced blood pressure and athletic endurance. Important for tooth formation, heart and kidney health and restful sleep. Counteracts stress, irregular heartbeat, emotional instability and depression. Next to oxygen, magnesium is the most important substance in the body. We need lots of it and almost everyone has dangerously low levels. It is as important for life as the air we breathe. If other healing methods aren’t working that should be working, it means you are low in magnesium, because without it your body can’t be healthy. Stress depletes magnesium, so everyone in the modern world needs it.


    A natural zero calorie, almost zero glycemic sweetener

    Protein Breakdown:

    Aspartic Acid 8.43 %
    Threonine 3.57 %
    Serine 4.38 %
    Glutamic Acid 22.59 %
    Proline 3.81 %
    Glycine 3.96 %
    Alanine 4.71 %
    Valine 4.59 %
    Isoleucine 3.60 %
    Leucine 6.57 %
    Tyrosine 3.18 %
    Phenylalanine 4.23 %
    Lysine 4.20 %
    Histidine 1.92 %
    Arginine 6.96 %
    Tryptophan 1.26 %
    Cystine 1.35 %
    Methionine 2.1 %

    Nutrient Breakdown (4 tbsp / 60 g):

    Protein (g) 23.125
    Calories (kcal) 245.6
    Calories from fat (kcal) 44.15
    Calories from salt (kcal) 12.31
    Fat (g) 4.9
    Saturated fat (g) 1.3
    Cholesterol (mg) 0
    Carbohydrates 27.09
    Dietary fiber (g) 12.1
    Total sugars (g) 10.88
    Ash (g) 3.63
    Vitamin A -IU 3274
    Vitamin C (mg) 13.89
    Sodium (mg) 169.44
    Iron (mg) 15.92
    Potassium (mg) 769.91

    All herbal formulas from Markus Products are non-GMO, organic or sustainable, and wildcrafted. “Sustainably wildcrafted” means harvested by hand, from virgin wilderness far from civilization. For example: pine needles from Shasta, California, Mallow and Lambsquarters from Durango, Colorado, and Gubinge Kakadu Plum harvested by tribal natives in the Australian outback. We go out of our way to get you the most pristine, rare, pure herbs possible, no matter the cost! No herbs are from China, all products are assembled/packaged here in America in an FDA-approved facility.

    • Awesome product
      I feel so good on this product. I have been out
      for a week and I really notice the difference.
      I can't wait for my order to get here.


      AB Canada

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    • Best Vegan Protein EVER!
      Dear Markus and Cara, This is the first review I've ever left on a product anywhere. I just tasted your vegan protein and the taste is unbelievable. This is the best-tasting protein of any kind that I have ever had, and I have tried so many. I can't stand the stevia-sweetened vegan proteins of other companies, it always tastes like I'm drinking a chemical, but YOURS, oh my goodness was so good, it tasted earthy and like real FOOD. I only blended it with 1 banana and water and it was amazing. And if that wasn't enough, I had a headache that stopped within minutes of me drinking your protein powder. What can I say? Please never stop making this! Thank you for all that you do.


      New York, NY

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    • tastiest plant protein and best!
      seriously. no other plant protein like this on the planet! doesn't constipate and is an actual full meal that is soooo tasty!!! like even with just water i could down this quick!!! i love love love the durian and dates in it too! durian is my fav! formulated with the best ingredients out there, nothing else can compare.
      natural laxative



      Was this review helpful?

      I received the protein powder in a timely manner. After watching the Dr. Amen Ra video Markus conducted on You Tube I decided to order the protein powder and try to limit my meals per day. The protein powder is excellent and along with the green powder gives me the necessary nutrients I need on a daily basis in addition to beans and rice. This is really a great product. Congratulations Markus


      San Diego, California

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    • Amazing Results
      I am so pleased with this product I can't say enough about it. I am battling abrest lump and leaky gut and I'm weak a lot throughout the day, but now that I'm taking the protein I feel a 1000x's better.

      I'm so thankful for Markus regarding this product. I absolutely love it !!


      Sheridan, Or

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